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被浏览: 0次 2023年06月05日 01:32

地铁英语名为subway,可以说subway make the traffic more covenent and make our life more comfortable等等。宏神说说并绝睁它的好处等等,照这思路吧,也可说人们日常如何乘坐地绝岁铁,如何方便快捷。祝你成功!


Subways are special kinds of trains that are usually built underground and are often found in big cities. Subways are typically made up of multiple train lines that start and end in different places, and sometimes intersect each other in between, allowing passengers to get from one place to another. By operating underground, they help large numbers of people to get around easily, since they still allow space for people to walk, drive, and take busses up on the street.